品牌設計 / 商業空間設計 / 包裝設計 / 視覺設計
Branding / Interior Design / Packaging Design / Visual Design
美國南加州 - 一個每年平均日照超過 250 天的臨海天堂,不同的文化在此融合,並且孕育出當地獨特的人文與特色。日青良月將這種充滿人情味的風俗民情融入到獨有的特調飲品中,帶給消費者新鮮、美味、溫暖的體驗,希望走進店內的顧客能夠享受南加州美好的一天。
Southern California: where the sun shines more than 250 days per year and it’s always a good day to go to the beach. Different cultures blend to shape the legendary SoCal vibe. Sunright Tea Studio brings these feelings and ideas together in fresh, delicious drinks and warm experiences that brighten the day of everyone who walks through our door.
We call ourselves a tea studio because Sunright is more than just a tea shop. We take pride in sourcing the highest quality ingredients and bringing great care and intention to the preparation process. We provide an inviting space to share time with family and friends, a hangout spot for the perfect afternoon tea, and a neighborhood destination where everyone is greeted with a genuine smile. Our creative product line represents the free style of California.
Packaging Design
防疫期間,如何不出門也能來杯道地的台灣珍珠奶茶呢? SUNRIGHT 推出在家也能自己 DIY 的台灣珍珠奶茶即食包。
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