Astre Dental

品牌設計 / 視覺設計 / 品牌氛圍營造
Branding / Visual Design / Brand Curation


在為 Astre Dental 星宇牙醫 進行品牌設計時,我們希望透過專業且富有親和力的視覺語言,傳遞診所追求極致醫療品質的精神。我們以高標準、細膩思維和先進技術作為核心概念,塑造不僅能提供精準治療,更能帶給患者安心感與信賴感的牙醫品牌。如同浩瀚宇宙守護群星般,Astre Dental 致力於守護社區的口腔健康,為患者帶來如星辰般閃耀的笑容。

When designing the brand for Astre Dental, our goal was to convey the clinic’s dedication to excellence in dental care through a professional yet approachable visual language. We centered our concept on high standards, meticulous attention to detail, and advanced technology, shaping a dental brand that not only provides precise treatments but also instills a sense of trust and reassurance in patients. Just as the vast universe safeguards its stars, Astre Dental is committed to protecting the community’s oral health, ensuring that every patient leaves with a bright, star-like smile.


在品牌形象設計上,我們採用了年輕且充滿現代感的設計手法,營造輕鬆舒適的就診體驗。我們運用活力感十足的藍色作為主色調,並搭配溫潤的木質元素與清爽的水泥質地,打造簡約、時尚且富有質感的品牌調性。這樣的設計不僅能幫助患者放鬆心情、降低就診時的緊張情緒,同時也彰顯了 Astre Dental 年輕且專業的醫療團隊形象,讓患者感受到不同於傳統牙科的嶄新體驗。

For the brand identity, we adopted a modern and youthful design approach to create a relaxed and comfortable patient experience. A vibrant blue was chosen as the primary color, complemented by warm wooden elements and clean cement textures, forming a minimalist yet stylish and refined brand aesthetic. This design not only helps ease patient anxiety but also highlights Astre Dental’s dynamic and professional medical team, offering a fresh experience distinct from traditional dental clinics.



To maintain brand consistency, we carefully selected various materials and printing techniques for all printed materials, ensuring a premium feel that aligns with the clinic’s soothing ambiance. Landscape-format forms were designed for easier writing and better readability. The pricing guide for private treatments was presented with a book cover-inspired layout to emphasize service quality and brand sophistication. Business cards and the packaging of orthodontic care kits were crafted with textured paper, allowing patients to experience the brand’s professionalism and attention to detail through touch.


諮詢手冊是 Astre Dental 星宇牙醫的一大亮點。我們將所有療程與口腔衛教資訊整理成冊,並以完整的書籍設計概念呈現,讓患者能更清楚了解診療流程與健康知識。裝幀設計上,我們選用溫潤的牛皮封面,搭配具手感的線裝設計,讓整體手冊不僅實用,更能傳遞診所的精緻就診體驗,讓患者在閱讀過程中感受到 Astre Dental 團隊的專業與用心。

A key highlight of Astre Dental’s branding is its consultation handbook. We compiled all treatment and oral health education materials into a comprehensive booklet, designed to help patients better understand procedures and maintain their dental health. The handbook features a warm-toned kraft paper cover and hand-stitched binding, making it not only functional but also a reflection of the clinic’s commitment to a refined patient experience. Every aspect of its design ensures that patients feel the expertise and dedication of the Astre Dental team while reading.


在這次的品牌設計過程中,我們不僅希望建立一個具專業度的牙醫品牌,更希望透過每樣細節設計,為患者帶來前所未有的就診體驗。從診所環境到每一張紙張的觸感,我們都精心規劃,讓 Astre Dental 不僅是一間牙醫診所,而是一個能夠讓患者安心微笑、充滿信賴感的品牌。

Through this branding project, we aimed not only to establish a highly professional dental brand but also to redefine the patient experience through thoughtful detail-oriented design. From the clinic environment to the tactile feel of every printed material, every element was meticulously planned. Astre Dental is more than just a dental clinic—it is a brand that fosters trust, comfort, and confidence, ensuring that every patient can smile with ease.

by Minhan Lin