品牌設計 / 視覺設計 / 品牌氛圍營造
Branding / Visual Design / Brand Curation
樂灣團隊致力於資源媒合的角色,從不同的角度看待農業,同時希望帶給旅人新的體驗,繼 GOGOBOX、樂灣糧倉之後,再度打造《GOGOPICNIC 趣野餐》品牌,結合台灣當地物產與創意的食感體驗,一起在舒適的草地野餐,分享美食、品味生活,享受美好的慢食光。
LA ONE team is dedicated to serving as a bridge for resource matchmaking, viewing agriculture from different perspectives while bringing travelers new experiences. Following the creation of GOGOBOX and LA ONE Grocery, they’ve launched the “GOGOPICNIC” brand, which combines Taiwan’s local products with creative culinary experiences. Together, we can picnic on a cozy patch of grass, share delicious food, savor life, and enjoy the beauty of slow living.
找一塊舒適的草地,提上當地新鮮食材製作的野餐籃,分享當中的美味驚喜,無論是三五好友的聚會,還是與家人的溫馨時光,《GOGOPICNIC 趣野餐》都是你放慢腳步、享受生活的最佳夥伴,讓我們一起享受每個美好的當下。
Find a comfortable patch of grass, pick up a picnic basket filled with delicious surprises made from fresh local ingredients, and share the joy within. Whether it’s a gathering of friends or warm moments with family, “GOGOPICNIC” is your perfect companion to slow down and embrace life. Let’s savor every beautiful moment together.